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PD702i, PD752i and PD782i Two-Way Radios & Accessories

134 products

  • SM18N4-Ex - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera SM18N4-Ex Atex Intrinsically Safe Remote Speaker Microphone

    Hytera SM18N4-Ex The Hytera SM18N4-Ex is an intrinsically safe remote speaker Mic with a durability of IP57. SM18N4-Ex COMPATIBILITY: PD715Ex PD795Ex


  • LCY002 - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera LCY002 Intrinsically Safe Leather Carry Case

    Hytera LCY002 The Hytera LCY002 is an intrinsically safe leather carrying case. 


  • LCY005 - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera LCY005 Intrinsically Safe Leather Carrying Case with Display

    Hytera LCY005 The Hytera LCY005 is an intrinsically safe leather carrying case with display for protecting a radio in explosion-proof environments. This case is compatible with the PD792i-Ex.


  • Hytera AN0153H12 VHF Antenna, SMA Connector, 147-160MHz/1575MHz, 17CM - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera AN0153H12 Antenna for PD Series Radios | VHF (147-160MHz)

    Hytera AN0153H12  The Hytera AN0153H12 is a VHF (147-160MHz) antenna for PD7 iSeries and PD982i Radios. The antenna is 17cm (6.9in) and has a SMA connector. AN0153H12 COMPATIBILITY PD702i PD752i PD782i PD982i WARRANTY *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • AN0873H02 - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera AN0873H02 Stubby UHF Antenna

    Hytera AN0873H02 The Hytera AN0873H02 is a UHF stubby antenna with SMA connector. WARRANTY * 1-year warranty on this antenna.


  • Hytera AN0435H21 UHF Antenna, SMA Connector, 400-470MHz/1575MHz, 9CM - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera AN0435H21 UHF Antenna, SMA Connector, 400-470MHz/1575MHz, 9CM

    Hytera AN0435H21 Hytera AN0435H21 is a UHF antenna, SMA connector, 400-470MHz/1575MHz, 9cm.  This antenna works with the Hytera PD7 iSeries, PD982i.    *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera AN0375H14 UHF Antenna, SMA Connector, 350-400MHz/1575MHz, 9CM - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera AN0375H14 UHF Antenna, SMA Connector, 350-400MHz/1575MHz, 9CM

    Hytera AN0375H14 The Hytera AN0375H14 is a UHF antenna, SMA connector, 350-400MHz/1575MHz, 9cm.  This antenna works with the Hytera PD7 iSeries, PD982i.   *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera POA68 Car Kit RF Adapter - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera POA68 Car Kit RF Adapter

    Hytera POA68 The Hytera POA68 is a car kit RF adapter which automatically switches to mobile antenna to enlarge coverage after radio fixing in car kit.   This adapter works with the Hytera PD7 iSeries.    *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera CP14 Cloning Cable - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera CP14 Cloning Cable | EOL (End of Life)

    Hytera CP14 The Hytera CP14 is a cloning cable.  This cable works with the Hytera PD7 iSeries, PD982i.  *CP14 IS AN END-OF-LIFE PRODUCT. NO REPLACEMENT. CP14 WARRANTY: PD702i PD752i PD782i PD982i *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera EWN09 2-Wire Earpiece With Wireless Earphone And Neck Loop EWN11+POA42, Directly Attached To Radio, Beige - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera EWN09 2-Wire Earpiece With Wireless Earphone And Neck Loop EWN11+POA42, Directly Attached To Radio, Beige

    Hytera EWN09 i The Hytera EWN09 is a 2-wire earpiece with wireless earphone and neck loop EWN11+POA42, directly attached to radio, beige.  This earpiece works with the Hytera PD7 iSeries, PD982i.    *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera EAN18 3-Wire Surveillance Earpiece With Transparent Acoustic Tube - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera EAN18 3-Wire Surveillance Earpiece With Transparent Acoustic Tube

    Hytera EAN18 The Hytera EAN18 is a 3-wire surveillance earpiece with transparent acoustic tube, without volume and channel button, directly attached to radio, black.  This earpiece works with the Hytera PD7 iSeries, PD982i..   *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera EAN17 3-Wire Surveillance Earpiece With Transparent Acoustic Tube - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera EAN17 3-Wire Surveillance Earpiece With Transparent Acoustic Tube

    Hytera EAN17  The Hytera EAN17 is a 3-wire surveillance earpiece with transparent acoustic tube, without volume and channel button, directly attached to radio, beige.  This earpiece works with the Hytera PD7 iSeries, PD982i.   *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera POA105 Foot Switch And Sun Visor Microphone Cable Kit - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera POA105 Foot Switch And Sun Visor Microphone Cable Kit

    Hytera POA105 The Hytera POA105 is a foot switch and sun visor microphone cable kit for CK03, CK03-E, CK02, CK02-E, CK05.    ytera slip-resistant operation with the PTT function via foot switch and mic component. For use with Hytera car kits CK02/CK02-E/CK03/CK03-E/CK05 (RoHS) *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera SM16A3 Remote Microphone - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera SM16A3 Remote Microphone

    Hytera SM16A3 The Hytera SM16A3 is a remote microphone without speaker used with SM09S1.  This microphone works with the following car kits: CK03, CK03-E, CK02, CK02-E, CK05.    *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera SM18A4 Remote Speaker Microphone

    Hytera Hytera SM18A4 Remote Speaker Microphone

    Hytera SM18A4  The Hytera SM18A4 is a remote speaker microphone for CK03, CK03-E, CK05.   *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera SM09S1 External Amplified Speaker - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera SM09S1 External Amplified Speaker for Car Kits

    Hytera SM09S1 EXTERNAL SPEAKER FOR VEHICLES The Hytera SM09S1 is an external amplified speaker. It is typically used along with car kits as an accessory as well as in tandem with the SM16A3 microphone. This car kits that this speaker is compatible with are CK03, CK03-S, CK03-E, CK02, CK02-E, CK05, and CK10.  SM09S1 RADIO COMPATIBILITY PNC380S PD702i PD752i Pd782i X1ei X1pi WARRRANTY *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera CK03-S Radio Car Kit - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera CK03-S Radio Car Kit

    Hytera CK03-S The Hytera CK03-S is a radio car kit: simple version includes power cable + mounting bracket.  Mobile antenna sold separately.  This car kit works with the Hytera PD7 iSeries.    *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera CK03-E Radio Car Kit - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera CK03-E Radio Car Kit for PD7 Series

    Hytera CK03-E The Hytera CK03-E is the enhanced car kit for the PD7i series. The CK03-E includes a power cable, mounting bracket, RF adapter, and Bluetooth.  The mobile antenna is sold separately.  This radio car kit works with the Hytera PD7 iSeries.  WARRANTY * 1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera CK03 Radio Car Kit - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera CK03 Radio Car Kit

    Hytera CK03 The Hytera CK03 is a radio car kit: standard version includes power cable + mounting bracket + RF adapter.  Mobile antenna sold separately.  This radio car kit works with the Hytera PD7 iSeries.    *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • CH20L06-PS2011 - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera CH20L06-PS2011 Rapid Charger Kit | Includes PS2011 AC Adapter

    Hytera CH20L06-PS2011 RAPID CHARGING KIT  The Hytera CH20L06-PS2011 is a rapid-rate battery charger that includes the PS2011 AC Adapter. CH20L06 COMPATIBILITY PD402i PD412i PD482i PD502i PD562i PD602i PD662i PD682i PD702i PD752i PD782i PD792i-EX PD982i PT-580H *This product is discontinued.* Please see: CH10L27


  • Hytera LCY006 Leather Carrying Case With LCD Display and Keypad, For Thick Battery - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera LCY006 Leather Carrying Case With LCD Display and Keypad, For Thick Battery

    Hytera LCY006 The Hytera LCY006 is a leather carrying case with LCD Display and keypad, for thick battery.  This case works with the following Hytera portables: PD7i and PD9i Series.    *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera LCY012 Leather Carrying Case With LCD Display And Keypad, For Thin Battery - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera LCY012 Leather Carrying Case With LCD Display And Keypad, For Thin Battery

    Hytera LCY012 The Hytera LCY012 is a leather carrying case with LCD display and keypad, for thin battery.  This case works with the Hytera PD7i and PD9i Series.   *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera LCY003 Leather Carrying Case With LCD Display and Keypad, For Thin Battery - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera LCY003 Leather Carrying Case With LCD Display and Keypad, For Thin Battery

    Hytera LCY003 The Hytera LCY003 leather carrying case with LCD display and keypad, for thin battery. This case works with the Hytera PD7 iSeries.    *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera POA47 Bluetooth Ring PTT Used With PD9i Internal BT, With Power Adapter - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera POA47 Bluetooth Ring PTT Used With PD9i Internal BT, With Power Adapter

    Hytera POA47 The Hytera POA47 is a Bluetooth ring PTT. The POA47 can be used with Hytera products that have Bluetooth built-in or are compatible with Hytera Bluetooth adapters (ADA-01, ADN-01 or ADN-02).    *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera POA59 Battery Adapter For MCA08 MCU Multi-Unit Charger - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera POA59 Battery Adapter For MCA08 MCU Multi-Unit Charger

    Hytera POA59 The Hytera POA59 is a battery adapter for MCA08 MCU multi-unit charger.    *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera POA38 Charge Pockets

    Hytera Hytera POA38 Charge Pockets

    Hytera POA38  The Hytera POA38 is a battery tray pockets designed for use with the Hytera MCA05.The POA38 are used to charge the following Hytera two way radios.   Hytera PD4i, PD5i, PD6i, PD7i, PD98Xi, PD7Xi-Ex Two-Way Radio Series.   *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera AN0141H06 VHF Antenna, SMA Connector, 136-147MHz, 17CM - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera AN0141H06 Antenna for Portable Radios | VHF (136-147MHz)

    Hytera AN0141H06 VHF PORTABLE TWO-WAY RADIO ANTENNA The Hytera AN0141H06 is a VHF (136-147MHz) antenna with a SMA connector. This antenna is 6.7" (17cm) long.  AN0141H06 COMPATIBILITY BD502i BD552i BD612i PD402i PD482i PD502i PD562i PD702i PD752i PD782i PD982i WARRANTY *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera AN0141H07 Antenna for Portable Radios | VHF (136-147MHz)

    Hytera Hytera AN0141H07 Antenna for Portable Radios | VHF (136-147MHz)

    Hytera AN0141H07 VHF PORTABLE TWO-WAY RADIO ANTENNA The Hytera AN0141H07 is a VHF (136-147MHz) antenna with a SMA connector. This antenna is 4.7" (12cm) long.  AN0141H07 COMPATIBILITY HP602 HP682 BD502i BD552i BD612i PD402i PD412i PD482i PD502i PD562i PD702i PD752i PD782i PD982i WARRANTY *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera PS7501 Power Adapter for Multi Unit Charger MCL15 MCL19 MCA08 MCL32 - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera PS7501 Power Adapter for Multi Unit Charger MCL15 MCL19 MCA08 MCL32

    Hytera PS7501 The Hytera PS7501 is a power adapter for Hytera multi unit chargers. The PS7501 is compatible with these chargers: MCA02, MCA03, MCA08, MCN05, MCL15, MCL19, MCL23, MCL30 and MCL32 *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • AN0143H04 - Hytera VHF Antenna (136-150MHz) - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera AN0143H04 Antenna for TC Series Radios | VHF (136-150MHz) | EOL (End of Life)

    Hytera AN0143H04  VHF LONG SMA ANTENNA The Hytera AN0143H04 is a VHF (136-150 MHz) blue band antenna. This antenna is 6 inches long. *THIS PRODUCT IS END-OF-LIFE. PLEASE USE: AN0143H08 AN0143H04 COMPATIBILITY: TC500 TC518 TC580 TC610 TC700 TC780 WARRANTY * 1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • AN0465W01 - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera AN0465W01 UHF (440-490MHz) Long Antenna with SMA Connector

    Hytera AN0465W01 The Hytera AN0465W01 is a UHF (440-490MHz) long antenna with SMA connector. WARRANTY *1 year warranty on this antenna.


  • Hytera AN0460W19 Antenna - UHF (440-470MHz) - 16cm with SMA Connector

    Hytera Hytera AN0460W19 Antenna - UHF (440-470MHz) - 16cm with SMA Connector

    Hytera AN0460W19   UHF 16cm Whip Antenna The Hytera AN0460W19 is a 16cm UHF whip antenna designed to enhance communication range and signal strength for compatible Hytera radios. This durable antenna operates in the 400-470 MHz frequency band, providing reliable and consistent performance in various environments. Key Features UHF Frequency Band (400-470 MHz): Optimized for operation in the UHF frequency range. Compact and Durable: 16cm length offers a compact and durable design. Improved Signal Strength: Enhances communication range and reliability. Reliable Performance: Built to withstand the rigors of daily use in demanding environments. Compatibility TC508 TC610 BD502i BD552i BD612i PD402i PD482i PD502i PD562i PD702i PD752i PD782i PD982i HP602 HP682   Benefits Enhanced Communication Range: Extends communication reach and improves signal quality. Improved Coverage: Provides better coverage in areas with weak signal strength. Increased Reliability: Minimizes dropped calls and ensures consistent communication. Durability: Built to withstand the rigors of daily use in challenging environments.   Warranty 1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • AN0460W08 - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera AN0460W08 UHF SMA Antenna

    Hytera AN0460W08 The Hytera AN0460W08 is a UHF antenna with SMA Connector. WARRANTY *1 year warranty on this antenna.


  • Hytera AN0445H03 UHF Stubby Antenna, SMA Connector, 420-470 MHz - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera AN0445H03 UHF Stubby Antenna, SMA Connector, 420-470 MHz

    Hytera AN0445H03 The Hytera AN0445H03 is a stubby antenna in UHF (420-470MHz). This antenna has a SMA connector and will fit these portable radios: TC508, TC610, BD502i, BD552i, BD612i, PD402i, PD482i, PD502i, PD562i PD702i, PD752i, PD782i, PD982i, HP602 and HP682.      *1-year manufacturer's warranty. **Special order! Please contact us for ordering details: Contact Atlantic Radio  ***Alternative option for AN0445H03: AN0455H012


  • Hytera AN0160H13 VHF Antenna, SMA Connector, 146-174MHz, 15CM - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera AN0160H13 Antenna for Portable Radios | VHF (146-174MHz)

    Hytera AN0160H13 The Hytera AN0160H13 is a VHF (146-174MHz) antenna for portable radios. The antenna is 15cm (5.9in) long and has a SMA connector.  AN0160H13 COMPATIBILITY TC508 TC610 BD502i BD552i BD612i PD402i PD482i PD502i PD562i PD702i PD752i PD782i PD982i HP602 HP682 WARRANTY *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • PS2005 power supply used with Hytera CH10A06 - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera PS2005 power supply used with Hytera CH10A06

    Hytera PS2005 is a power supply used with CH10A06.


  • Hytera EAS03 Receive-Only Transparent Acoustic Tube Earpiece (2.5MM) - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera EAS03 Receive-Only Transparent Acoustic Tube Earpiece (2.5MM)

    Hytera EAS03 The Hytera EAS03 is a receive-only transparent acoustic tube earpiece with a 2.5MM plug.   *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera AN0160H16 VHF Stubby Antenna, SMA, 12cm, 145-175MHz - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera AN0160H16 Stubby Antenna for HP6 Series | VHF (145-175MHz)

    Hytera AN0160H16 The Hytera AN0160H16 is a VHF (145-175MHz) stubby antenna for HP6 series portables. The antenna is 4.7inches (12cm) long and has a SMA connector. This stubby helical antennas is ideal when the radio is worn on the belt because it is short and non-obtrusive. AN0160H16 COMPATIBILITY HP602 HP682 WARRANTY *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera AN0445W05 UHF Whip Antenna, SMA, 16cm, 410-480MHz - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera AN0445W05 Whip Antenna for HP6 Series | UHF (410-480MHz)

    Hytera AN0445W05  The Hytera AN0445W05 is a UHF (410-480MHz) whip Antenna for portable radios. This antenna has a SMA connector and is 6.3 inches (16cm) long. AN0445W05 COMPATIBILITY: HP602 HP682 WARRANTY *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera POA121 Bluetooth PTT Ring

    Hytera Hytera POA121 Bluetooth PTT Ring

    Hytera POA121 The Hytera POA121 is a wireless Bluetooth push-to-talk wearable designed for finger wearing and allows to trigger PTT functions without holding a portable radio. To be used with EHS24 earpiece. IP67 and CE, FCC, IC certifications. The PD6 series, PD7 series, and MD782i Radios require the ADN-02 (PD6) or ADN-01 (MD782i) in order to work with the POA121. POA121 COMPATIBILITY The POA121 is compatible with any Bluetooth Hytera Radio. PNC360S PNC380s PNC550 PNC560 HP602 HP682 HP702 HP782 PD482i BD552i MD612i MD622i MD782i PD7 iSeries PD982i X1pi WARRANTY *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera RO03 Nylon Wrist Strap for Portable Two-Way Radios - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera RO03 Nylon Wrist Strap for Portable Two-Way Radios

    Hytera RO03 The Hytera RO03 is a nylon wrist strap for portable two-way radios. This strap is 25cm long. RO03 COMPATIBILITY TC-320 TC-508 BD302i BD352i BD502i BD552i PD362i PD402i PD482i PD502i PD562i PD602i PD662i PD682i PD702i PD752i PD782i PD982i X1ei X1pi HP602 HP682 HP702 HP782 PNC370 PNC360S PNC380S WARRANTY *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera ESW01 Bluetooth Earpiece Including Charger - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera ESW01 Bluetooth Earpiece Including Charger

    Hytera ESW01 The Hytera ESW01 is a Bluetooth earpiece for two way radios. The POA107 charging adapter is included with the ESW01. The required charging power supply is here: PS1030.  The ESW01 is compatible with these Hytera products:  Portables BD552i-BT PD482i-G-BT PD602i (*requires ADN-02 adapter) PD662i (*requires ADN-02 adapter) PD682i (*requires ADN-02 adapter) PD702i (*requires ADN-01 adapter) PD752i (*requires ADN-01 adapter) PD782i (*requires ADN-01 adapter) PD982i X1Pi HP602 HP682 HP702 HP782   Mobiles MD612i-BT MD622i-BT MD652i (*requires ADA-01 adapter) HM652  HM682 HM782   Adapters ADA-01 ADN-01 ADN-02 (end-of-life)   *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera POA107 Wireless Earpiece Charger For ESW01 - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera POA107 Wireless Earpiece Charger For ESW01

    Hytera POA107 ESW01 Charger for Wireless Earpiece The Hytera POA107 is a wireless earpiece charger for ESW01. The POA107 compact charger allows charging of the wireless headset ESW01 using a micro USB cable, this is an alternative charging solution for the ADN-01 or ADN-02. HYTERA POA107 WARRANTY *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera EH-02 Receive-Only Swivel Earpiece Used With ACN-02 - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera EH-02 Swivel Earpiece | Receive-only

    Hytera EH-02 The Hytera EH02 is a swivel earpiece that is receive-only. A 3.5 mm plug is the connector on the EH02. The EH02 is compatible with these Hytera PTT and microphone cables: ACM01 ACN01 ACN02 ACS01   *1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera EH-01 Receive-Only C-Style Earpiece Used with ACM-01 - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera EH-01 C-Style Earpiece for Portable Radios | Receive-only

    Hytera EH-01 Earpiece: Comfortable and Discreet Listening for Your Hytera Radio The Hytera EH-01 is a receive-only earpiece designed for comfortable and discreet listening with your compatible Hytera two-way radio. This lightweight and ergonomic earpiece provides clear audio while remaining virtually invisible to others, making it ideal for situations where you need to monitor communications without drawing attention.    Key Features: C-Style Design: Fits comfortably and securely in your ear.   Receive-Only Functionality: Allows you to listen to radio transmissions without transmitting. Discreet Profile: Small and unobtrusive for covert communication.    Clear Audio: Provides high-quality audio for easy listening. 3.5mm Connector: Compatible with a wide range of Hytera audio accessories. Compatible Hytera Accessories: ACM01 ACN01 ACN02 ACN05 ACS01   Warranty: 1-year manufacturer's warranty   Listen discreetly and comfortably with the Hytera EH-01 earpiece. Order yours today!


  • Hytera ES-02 Receive-Only Transparent Acoustic Tube Earpiece Used With ACN-02 - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera ES-02 Acoustic Tube Earpiece | EOL Replaced by EA-01

    Hytera ES02 Acoustic Tube Earpiece (3.5mm) - REPLACED BY EA01 Looking for the Hytera ES02? It's been replaced by the Hytera EA01 Acoustic Tube Earpiece. This updated version offers the same great features and compatibility. Order yours today! Hytera EA01 Acoustic Tube Earpiece (3.5mm) The Hytera EA01 (formerly ES02) is a receive-only acoustic tube earpiece with a 3.5mm plug. It's designed for clear, discreet communication and is compatible with a wide range of Hytera PTT and microphone cables. Key Features: Receive-only audio: Ideal for situations requiring covert communication. 3.5mm plug: Connects to various Hytera accessories. Comfortable and discreet: Perfect for extended wear. Durable construction: Built to withstand demanding environments. 1-year manufacturer's warranty: Ensures peace of mind. Compatible Hytera Cables: ACM01 ACN01 ACN02 ACS01 ACN05 Important Note: The Hytera ES02 has reached end-of-life. All ES02 orders will be fulfilled with the updated EA01 model. Why Choose the Hytera EA01? Crystal-clear audio: Ensures effective communication in any situation. Enhanced comfort: Designed for extended use without fatigue. Improved durability: Built to last in tough environments. Seamless compatibility: Works with a variety of Hytera accessories. *ES-02 IS END-OF-LIFE. USE EA-01. ALL ES02 BACKORDERS WILL BE FULFILLED WITH EA-01.  Upgrade your communication experience with the Hytera EA01 Acoustic Tube Earpiece. Order now and experience the difference!


  • Hytera ES-01 Receive-Only Earbud works with PTT and Mic Cable - Atlantic Radio Communications Corp.

    Hytera Hytera ES-01 Receive-Only Earbud Earpiece (3.5mm Plug)

    Hytera ES-01 Receive-Only Earbud Earpiece (3.5mm Plug) The Hytera ES-01 earbud earpiece provides a convenient and discreet way to receive audio from your Hytera two-way radio. Designed for comfort and clarity, this receive-only earpiece features a 3.5mm plug that connects seamlessly with compatible Hytera PTT and microphone cables, ensuring reliable audio reception. Key Features Receive-only earbud design 3.5mm plug connector Comfortable for extended use Compatible with Hytera ACM01, ACN01, ACN02, and ACS01 cables Compatibility ACN-01 ACN-02 ACN-05 ACM-01 ACS-01 Product Warranty 1-year manufacturer's warranty.


  • Hytera AN0873H07 Stub Antenna for Portable Radio | UHF (806-941MHz)

    Hytera Hytera AN0873H07 Stub Antenna for Portable Radio | UHF (806-941MHz)

    Hytera AN0873H07  UHF STUBBY ANTENNA  The Hytera AN0873H07 is a UHF antenna, SMA connector, 806-941MHz/1575MHz, 9cm.   AN0873H07 COMPATIBILITY PD702i PD752i PD782i PD982i We are an authorized Hytera dealer.


Hytera PD7 Series

The Hytera PD7 series includes these portable two-way radios:

  • PD702i
  • PD752i
  • PD782i 
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